Double Take Baroque expressions from Italy and England Mallarmé/ Newman Artists Series Collaboration
Sunday, January 19, 3:00 pm, Moeser Hall, UNC-CH
Music by Claudio Monteverdi and Henry Purcell and their contemporaries
Claudio Monteverdi (1587-1643)
“Chiome d’oro“
“O come sei gentile”
“Tornate, o cari baci”
“Quel sguardo sdegnosetto”
“Damigella tutta bella”
“Soave libertate”
“Laetatus sum” (1651)
Biagio Marini (1587-1665)
Sonata Seconda per doi violini from Op. 8 (1629)
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
“Tell me, some pitying angel tell”
“O dive custos”
“She loves and she confesses”
“Love thou art best”
“Shepherd leave decoying”
“O let me weep” from The Fairy Queen
Ground in C minor, Z. T681
Sonata No. 3 in D minor from 12 Sonatas of Three Parts
Dario Castello (1602-1631)
Sonata Quarta à due soprani from Sonate concertate in stil moderno, libro secondo (1621)
TENET: Jolle Greenleaf, Clara Rottsolk – soprano
Nicholas DiEugenio, Kako Boga – violin
Daniel Swenberg – theorbo, Jeffrey Grossman – harpsichord